Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1, Meeting and Greeting

5/10/10, worked from 8:10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., written on 5/10/10 at 4:07 p.m.

Today was my first day working at the Kearsarge Elementary School and I could not have had a better first day. After getting to meet the very nice and sweet Ms. Peg Theroux, the children started pouring in. First thing in the morning, kids started coming into her office to eat snack and talk about their weekends. At first, some kids seemed tentative to come in and see a new and older girl in her office, but after just asking their name and how their day was, there was a connection formed between the kids and me. During snack time, there were only about four or five kids at a time, but when lunch started, kids poured in and about 10 to 12 kids fit into Ms. Theroux's office. I got to play games with kids, talk to them about their lives and learned a lot about many of the girls and boys. Every child's face just sparkled when they saw Ms. Theroux and after talking to some kids even just for five minutes, I got hugs from them when they left.
I also got to help out with organizing some test booklets for the fourth graders. They are going to be taking a standardized science tests tomorrow and so I got to help label which test was going to be taken by which child. There were a few kids who just popped into her office to talk about issues or just because they wanted a break from their classroom. At about 2:30, I left exhausted, but it was a great first day. I cannot wait to get to know these kids better throughout the next two weeks


  1. Congratulations on your first day! I am so happy that everything went well for you!
    See you tomorrow!

  2. I love reading about your day(s). Keep up the amazing work. It sounds like the perfect fit.
    You are remarkable and thank you for sharing this with me.
    Lots of love to you,

  3. What a great way to start off your senior project! You will have a great time! :)
    Love you
