Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 6, Observation

5/17/10, worked from 8:10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., written on 5/17 at 3:15 p.m.

Today was another good day. I got to hear all about the kid's weekends and since I have been there for a week, more kids wanted to talk to just me (apparently I'm cool!). This morning, a young girl walked in looking for Ms. Theroux and she asked "Is Ms. Theroux here?" I answered that she was getting something from the supply room and then she asked, "Well, can I talk to you?" That question made me so happy because it showed that this young girl trusted me and was able to talk to me about her life even though I had only met her once.
During lunch, students from all different types of grades came in to play games and tell Ms. Theroux and me about their weekends. It was another hectic hour long period of kids rushing in and out of the office but it was fun to see all the students after the weekend.
I also got to observe a counseling section between two friends who were having problems with another. It was interesting to see how a trained guidance counselor handles certain situations. It was helpful to see what I may be able to do if I choose in a career in counseling.
To end my day, I worked on making post - its with the names of students who are entering 1st and 2nd grade. It was a nice day and I am excited to know that more and more students are trusting me and feel that they can talk to me.

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