Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 10, Short and Somewhat Sweet

5/24/10, worked from 8:10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., written on 5/24

Another Monday! Today I walked into Mrs. Theroux's office to a note on the door asking if I could write down the student's names on post-its who are going up to 4th and 5th grade. While I was doing that, I saw a little girl who I have seen multiple times came in telling me all about her weekend. After I finished, I went to a classroom to observe a boy with Mrs. Theroux, and after a few minutes of that it was time for snack. On my way down to go greet the kids who were having snack in the office, I saw young student who I have been seen multiple times during lunch and during his sessions; he smiled when he saw me, ran over and said, "I will see you in 25 minutes." And then he ran off. I loved seeing his face light up when he saw me walking down the hall, it shows me that I might be making a difference in these kid's lives.
After snack, it was time to do yet another Measuring Scavenger hunt with the 3rd grade. I have probably memorized the whole worksheet I have done it so many times, but I love meeting all the new kids. Today’s group was a little difficult to handle; all of them seemed very tired and did not want to do to their work, but one girl, who came to visit me earlier this morning, was so tired and there were a few temper tantrums. I had honestly not dealt with kids who have temper tantrums since my babysitting days, but I got right back into it. I listened to her, and she told me how tired she was (which explained the mood shifts from very happy to extremely mad), so I gave her the choice of staying in Mrs. Theroux's room or helping us with the math. She decided to come with the rest of her classmates and me but she was none too happy. The rest of the students did very well once I said the sooner we get this done, the sooner they get to have lunch, but the little girl was still not cooperating. After about 30 minutes of measuring things throughout the school, it was time for the kids to go to lunch.
Mrs. Theroux let me go early because I did the math class so many times and she was going to be running to some more meetings about incoming students. I cannot believe tomorrow is my last day! Senior project has gone by so quickly, and I am anxious to tell the kids that I am leaving tomorrow.

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