Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection

Weekly Reflection

This week was a more independent week for me. I was able to counsel kids by myself, observe students in their classrooms, and go to a special education meeting. This week I have learned a lot about the professional side of being a guidance counselor and I also learned a lot about what counselors look at in their kids. There are certain behavioral traits or attitude changes that guidance counselors need to look for in order to see if certain students need to be seen weekly or not.
This week will be my final week at the Kearsarge Elementary School and I have already realized how said it will be to say goodbye to these students whom I have formed connections with. I love going down the halls and hearing “Hi Ms. D!” or just getting a wave from students I have seen once or twice. I love going to Ms. Theroux’s office every morning and getting a morning quote for a student to read to the whole school during the morning announcements or having kids just come in to say hi to Ms. Theroux and me.
I am a little anxious for this upcoming week. It’s hard for me to let go of people I have made connections with, even if they are little people. I also think it will be hard for kids to understand that someone is leaving. Even though it has been a short amount of time, I believe a lot of students have started to trust that I will be there everyday, and when I have to tell them that I will not be there after this week, it might be hard. We will see what happens, but I cannot believe that senior project has gone by so quickly.

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