Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 9, Observing

5/21/2010, worked from 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., written on 5/21

I step into Ms. Theroux's office this morning and the first thing, a young girl came into the office in tears because a girl was bullying her on the bus. The next thing we knew, the girl who was supposedly bullying her came into the office to defend herself. Of course more tears were shed and the young girl who came in first decided to stay in the office because the girl who was supposedly bullying her was in her class. She stayed in with me for about an hour and we just talked. We talked about everything from animals to card tricks (I learned a pretty cool magic trick from her). It was interesting to hear what the girl said, she definitely had a rough morning and she needed to just talk and talk and talk, so that is what she did. I realized right there that every child just wants to be listened to, no matter what, even if what they are telling you is scattered and crazy, people just need to listen to them.
After, I went with Ms. Theroux to observe a student in their classroom. Basically, we just write down what the child does during their class and see if it relates to anything like ADD or depression. Everything could be written down and support one thing or another. We can not let the student know we are observing them so that was a little tricky because everyone was so curious to know what we were doing in their classroom. Then we went across the hall and observed another child. Ms. Theroux then released me early because she was going to go to more meetings after the observation and shut down her room.
Another good week and I cannot believe senior project is flying by so quickly.

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